Friday 27 January 2012

Today we finished off the groups final infographic and presented them to the rest of the class, summarising and showing key points. Making the infographic helped me understand how the information is presented and what colours and types of images to use.
The other groups presenting their inforgraphic also helped me gain more of an understanding what there topics was about and also gave me some ideas on presentation.

Infographics Research

The class was split into groups of 5 and we researched as a group different infographics so that we could get ideas for the one we made as a group.  We looked at the colour theories, page layout, image selection and what was best for our audience.

Research Techniques.

For this lesson we got into groups and went to the learning curve to research answers on a questionnaire via different methods of research. For example, the internet, general knowledge from myself and my peers and looking up information in books.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Initial proposal

I understand what I have to complete for Unit 3, 4 and 18. For unit 3 I have to do research techniques, unit 4 is production management. And for unit 18 I will design and make three or more different forms of print media, including a Shirt design and a form of packaging.